Baseline Wellness Habits
I have a list of what I call Baseline Wellness Habits. I have no clue where I got the name, but this is my list of things I do every day for my physical and emotional self-care.

These are simple habits that are woven into my daily rhythm. I'll get into the more complicated stuff in a future post.

Here's a sample:

  • get dressed
  • drink your water
  • take your supplements/meds
  • go outside
Getting dressed might not seem like a big deal when you don't go anywhere, but I know I feel better and am more productive when I suck it up and do it. I accidentally stayed in my pjs today and had to sit through a coaching call looking all frumpy. Not fun.

Drinking enough water can be tough when you're chasing after kids all day and not really thinking about it. My system is to drink two 16 oz glasses when I wake up, one with lunch, one with dinner, and one before bed. It's simple and I don't have to count anything. 

Taking meds and supplements doesn't have to be complex with crazy systems. I haven't found an organizer that I like, so all of my stuff is in a cabinet. I'm building the habit of grabbing whatever I need when I refill my water glass.

Going outside can truly be as simple as sitting/standing on your porch for five minutes. It offers a fresh perspective and hopefully some fresh air.

Over in the Everyday Sensory Life group, we decided to do a 5-7 day self-care challenge! It's going to be something quick and easy that can be done in 15 minutes or less per day. We're starting Monday, July 6th. Join us!


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