Spring Manifesting

Spring Manifesting
Spring Manifesting Time

I took some time today to write out my big goals for the Spring season. When I do bigger goal setting like this, I like to set the tone with:

🎶 Good music- I often go for ska or big band, anything upbeat, when I’m goal setting.

☕️ Coffee in a pretty mug- Coffee is magic.

✨ Crystals- Get the right vibes going.

🔮 Tarot Cards- I do a reading before I start writing to help organize my thoughts.

📝 Of course my Manifestation Guide- I created this to help me keep all eight areas of my life in *balance.

When I finished, I added the page to my frankenplanner so I’ll be able to refer back to it when I do my moon phase manifestations. Those are my smaller daily tasks that help make the big goals happen. 

Right now, several of my goals have to do with my personal wellness and mindset. As we know all too well, you can’t pour from an empty cup. 😜

*I started a Patreon so I could share my process and help others find balance as well. If this is something that interests you, click the link below. 💞

Free Yoga Class This Sunday!

Free Yoga Class This Sunday!
It's only 6 days away!!!

The Spring Equinox is this coming Sunday. It's also the last weekend before I finish my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training and register with Yoga Alliance. 

This is huge you guys! I've wanted to be a yoga teacher since I was in high school and it's really happening!!

As with all of my classes, this is for all bodies. I'll be showing variations of poses with and without props as we go. 

I'd love for you to join me. Click the link below to RSVP.

Spring Changes

Spring Changes
👀 You're going to be seeing some changes around here. 

First and Foremost 
My focus is shifting. You're going to see much more content on living mindfully and a lot less about sensory issues. I'll still occasionally talk about my own sensory sensitivities, but it won't be as often. 

I'll be updating the site to reflect the shift and to showcase new content! The colours will likely be updated, along with fonts. Everything will still be pretty. 😉

What exactly will you be seeing on the new and improved site? New blog posts on goal setting, slowing down, letting go of the feeling that we need to "hustle" all the time... 
I'll also be hosting *workshops, teaching yoga classes, and talking about living in tune with the Earth's seasons and cycles of Her Moon. 

*Look for one soon on Mindful Goal Setting- using the Moon!