Free Yoga Class This Sunday!

Free Yoga Class This Sunday!
It's only 6 days away!!!

The Spring Equinox is this coming Sunday. It's also the last weekend before I finish my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training and register with Yoga Alliance. 

This is huge you guys! I've wanted to be a yoga teacher since I was in high school and it's really happening!!

As with all of my classes, this is for all bodies. I'll be showing variations of poses with and without props as we go. 

I'd love for you to join me. Click the link below to RSVP.

Eating Together... Or Not

Eating Together... Or Not
Having sensory processing difficulties can make mealtime rough. When you add in food allergies and sensitivities, dietary restrictions for health issues, and different eating schedules... everything becomes even crazier, but it's manageable.